EclEmma 3.1.9 Java Code Coverage for Eclipse Drag to your running Eclipse workspace to install EclEmma Java Code Coverage
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Installation of EclEmma 1.x

Originally EclEmma was inspired by and technically based on the great EMMA library developed by Vlad Roubtsov. In case you explicitly need the EMMA backend you can manually install a old EclEmma 1.x version.

The EMMA based 1.x stream is maintained on a best effort base only and no functional enhancements are planned for it. If you have specific requirements currently only fulfilled by the EMMA version of EclEmma please request this functionality for the new JaCoCo backend.


EclEmma 1.x requires Eclipse 3.1 or higher and Java 1.4 or higher. It has no dependencies on a particular operating system. Of course your Eclipse installation needs to contain the Java development tools (JDT) which is included in the default SDK installation.

Manual Download and Installation

For manual installation please download the latest EclEmma 1.x release. The downloaded archive contains these files:

  • features/com.mountainminds.eclemma.feature_x.y.z/*  - EclEmma feature definition
  • plugins/com.mountainminds.eclemma.core_x.y.z.jar    - Core implementation
  • plugins/com.mountainminds.eclemma.ui_x.y.z.jar      - User interface
  • plugins/com.mountainminds.eclemma.doc_x.y.z.jar     - Online help

Simply unzip the archive into your Eclipse installation and restart Eclipse. Since Eclipse 3.4 the dropins folder is the right place for additional plug-ins.


The installation was successful if you can see the coverage launcher in the toolbar of the Java perspective:

Launching Toolbar