EclEmma 3.1.9 Java Code Coverage for Eclipse Drag to your running Eclipse workspace to install EclEmma Java Code Coverage
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Keyboard Usage

Working with EclEmma is supported by several keyboard shortcuts. Here you find a complete list of all EclEmma commands along with the default key bindings.

Launch Shortcuts

Key Sequence Command
Ctrl+Shift+F11 Relaunch last program launch in coverage mode
Alt+Shift+E, J Launch current selection as Java application in coverage mode
Alt+Shift+E, T Launch current selection as JUnit test in coverage mode
Alt+Shift+E, E Launch current selection as Eclipse application in coverage mode
Alt+Shift+E, P Launch current selection as JUnit plug-in test in coverage mode
Alt+Shift+E, R Launch current selection as RAP JUnit plug-in test in coverage mode
Alt+Shift+E, L Launch current selection as Scala application in coverage mode
Alt+Shift+E, S Launch current selection as SWTBot test in coverage mode
Alt+Shift+E, N Launch current selection as TestNG test in coverage mode
Alt+Shift+E, G Launch current selection as TestNG suite in coverage mode

Shortcuts in the Coverage View

Key Sequence Command
F5 Refresh coverage date, usefull for imported data from external launches
DEL Remove current coverage session


The key bindings can be disabled or adjusted to your needs in the Preferences Dialog at GeneralKeys.